Some years back I used to teach in
a college in North West London, as a visiting faculty. The classroom was on the
third floor of the building. However, most of the other teaching requirements
such as white-board markers, laptop, cable for projector etc. were in the
faculty office on the ground floor. Most teachers would have to make one or two
trips to the ground floor. Thankfully there was a lift. I had two classes per
week for one trimester (about three months) on this floor.
I remember I had a pretty lady
colleague who used to teach another subject on the same floor and had the same
timings as I had. She was lovely with gorgeous sharp features, long dark hair
and beautiful dark eyes (sorry readers, this
true story is not going anywhere romantic :-)). She was in her late thirties and
had put on some weight after her child birth a few years ago. She had a morning
as well as afternoon class on the same floor, with an hour lunch-break in
between. I often noticed her eating lunch in the classroom itself. On most days
I would see her eating some thick cabbage soup. She said she was trying hard to
lose weight and cutting down on carbs.
One fine day in the middle of the trimester,
the only lift in that building stopped working. As it turned out, for the
entire remaining part of the semester it did not work. During this period my pretty
colleague would come up to the third floor once in the morning, climbing the
stairs and cursing the college administration for not fixing the lift. Then,
till her classes got over at 5 in the evening, she would only go down a floor if
she had to use the toilet. Otherwise, she would use her nice charm and smile
and ask me or other male colleagues who were going to the ground floor, to get
things for her such as markers, if she needed any. Some of the male colleagues
teaching on the same floor even went to the ground floor by stairs, only for
her – such was her charm. In her own little way she would be mighty pleased
that she could get things done with her charm.
At that time it did not strike me,
but the irony of it struck me later. This lady was trying to cut down her
calories everyday by eating salads and cabbage soup, but when the universe was
sending some exercises (like climbing stairs) her way, she was just flatly
refusing to accept these gifts.
universe (or God or Guardian angel or Allah or Ishwar if some
of us prefer that term) is always trying to do some good for us, but sometimes
we are not able to appreciate it. In many little ways, universe is sending us
messages on what we need holistically, in alignment with our destiny, but we
refuse to recognise it. As mentioned in my book, Karmasutra,
in order to appreciate and recognise the gifts of our universe, a thinner CSB
(cosmic sensitivity barrier) is immensely helpful. If our minds are too busy
with the noise of the external world, we lose our fine skills of introspection.
A bloated ego also leaves little space for introspection. The November 2016 blog introspection matrix
might be of some help here. Similarly, some methods to reduce bloated ego might
also help. (Refer
Perhaps I can share some more simple
examples of how the universe tries to tell us things. Sometimes we have come
for a big function with food and find sadly that many of the dishes are over.
This is the universe trying to tell us that we do not need those extra
calories, or protecting us from that food.
A friend I knew in Goa once told me
in the presence of his wife that he used to get mad at her sometimes when he returned
from work and found that the quantity of rice on his dinner plate was less.
However, his wife commented that she used to put the same quantity on the
plate, but on some days my friend would be ravenously hungry. My friend
wondered why his wife could not cook a little extra rice every day. The wife
retorted that she never liked to waste rice on the days when her husband did
not have much appetite.
After this conversation, my friend
had told me that his wife used to cook extra rice every day so that he can eat
to his heart’s content. At the time of the conversation, I empathised with my
friend, because I have had myself been guilty of similar conversations with my
mother about food.
A few weeks ago, I had the
opportunity to talk to this friend and he told me that he has been diagnosed
with high cholesterol and borderline diabetes. My friend blamed it on possible
stress at work. It struck me that few years back, the universe was trying to
send him a message through his wife, to eat less at night, but he would simply
not listen to what the universe was telling him.
Another North Indian friend of mine
likes to drive fast. One day for some reason his car engine overheated in
summer and his car broke down somewhere on a long journey. Perhaps the universe
was giving him a message to drive slowly.
Universe sends us lot of messages in
this fashion. Sometimes we are told that the bus which takes us from the train
station to our office (a 15 minute walk) has broken down or cancelled. It is
the universe telling us that we need the exercise of walking.
Some of us see late night movies
after coming back from work. But we get up early for work on the next day and
feel very sleepy. This is the universe telling us that our sleep requirement is
far from over. Instead of pushing the message aside by having a double espresso
coffee and pumping huge doses of the caffeine drug into our system, perhaps we
will do more good if we try to meditate or take a nap in the train or bus while
travelling. Perhaps we can use a mobile phone alarm to wake us just before our
20-minute journey is over.
Universe also tells us many things through
our body. Assuming one does not have a chronic digestive disorder, high acidity
happening frequently is the universe trying to telling us that we are
overeating and perhaps having a high sugar diet. We do not need to be
spiritually accomplished to read these simple indicators.
Other simple examples of universe
telling us:
-We are having our lunch in our
office and someone drops in to visit us. It is the universe telling us to stop
eating more (by sharing our food with that person) or to at least stop eating
at that point of time to prevent too much blood sugar (if sharing is not
feasible or if other person refuses the genuine offer).
-Telephone ringing at the point we
are eating is the universe telling us to pause our eating or slow down our
-If we are in the office in an
intense discussion negotiating terms of a tricky contract, if the phone rings
or if a person interrupts the meeting, it is the universe telling us that we
need to pause and look at the terms of the contract carefully. We might be
missing something important. Perhaps a good idea is to take a break on that day
and continue the discussion in the next meeting, after we think through
-If we are having a heated argument
at home with our spouse, a loved family member or a loving friend, and if there
is an interruption like the phone or door bell ringing, never ignore it. The
universe is trying to tell us through the interruption that we are on the verge
of crossing some red lines. Use that
opportunity to divert attention and dissipate the anger. If we ignore the phone
and continue the argument there is a strong chance we may say or do something in
anger which we may bitterly regret later.
The universe also gives us messages
in more complicated areas of our life. Sometimes we try hard to make a romantic
relationship work and believe all relationships must be like this. If our relationship is giving us too much
stress and we are losing sleep over whether our relationship will work in the
‘future’, this stress is probably the universe telling us that this relationship
is not the right one for us. When we are actually with the person who is meant
for us, our happiness increases and despite the occasional fights, we are happy
with them. Human beings were not created to have 24x7 emotional stress about
their partner. This is an unnatural state of being. If it is happening
constantly, this is not the right relationship. Sometimes we refuse to be
creative and view all the options in front of us.
The same is true of our work life.
We are always more productive at work when we are happy and not too stressed.
If our workplace stresses us out constantly, perhaps it is time for us to look
for another organisation to work for. The universe always gives us options.
If it is the third or fourth
organisation we have moved to and yet we face the same breaking-point
pressures, the reality is probably that we are in the wrong career. If we have
always loved English literature but are working as an investment banker because
our parents pressurised us to accept a profession which has ‘money’ and ‘prestige’,
we might keep shifting from one organisation to another but will continue to
find it stressful. This is the universe constantly reminding us that we are in
the wrong career and that we are going against what we were created to achieve.
Sometimes, even though we love our
job, we believe that we are being unfairly treated in one organisation. We move
to another organisation. We find that here
also things are as bad and everyone is into dirty politics. Then we jump into
another organisation and we find that office politics is even worse here. We
always seem to be jumping from frying pan to fire.
In this case, perhaps it is not because
we are in the wrong career. The universe is probably telling us to be less
selfish and self-centred. We are too
focussed on what we think and what we feel and have lost sight of ‘how to bring
happiness to others’. This is the universe’s way of reminding us to start
focussing on others. The remedy is simple. Buy a nice card for someone’s
birthday. Genuinely appreciate in public, someone else’s work. We should spend
some time with a person whom we don’t generally like and focus on building
There are other examples of complex
messages. Suppose for a moment that I am a devout Muslim and walking peacefully
on the High street. A volunteer of some Hindu organisation offers me a free copy
of Bhagavad Gita. My first reaction would be to say ‘No thank you’ and move on.
But perhaps it is the universe offering me a way to enhance my spiritual
understanding by enhancing my knowledge of a different religious path. Whenever we are ready for a level of
knowledge, the universe will provide it to us. There is an old saying I have
heard in India. It goes ‘when the
disciple is ready, the guru will appear’.
Discerning what the universe is
telling us is not always easy because our logical and habitual reactionary
instincts sometimes tell differently. However, if we become adept at it, things
around us will start falling into place. There will be great increase in
overall harmony in our surroundings and others will start calling us lucky.
Let me close with a story I have
read somewhere. There was a great spiritual master. One key teaching of this master was that there
is god in everything - animal, human and even in non-living objects. He had
many disciples. One disciple was very devoted to his master, but a bit on the
dumber side.
Once it so happened that this
disciple was standing at the base of a steep hill. On top of this hill there
was a big monkey trying to climb a boulder (rock) and in doing so, pushing the
boulder. The boulder was slowly moving from its place.
A stranger who was walking nearby
shouted repeatedly at the disciple ‘move away, the boulder might roll down’.
The disciple ignored the stranger since he genuinely believed there is god in
everything. Suddenly, the huge rock
rolled down and by the time the disciple realised and tried to move away, he
was hit and suffered many injuries.
When his spiritual master learned
about this and came to visit him, the devoted disciple was inconsolable and
complained bitterly. “Master you have always said that there is god in
everything. There is god in the monkey and in the rock, and you know very well,
I have always been so devoted to god. So how is it that both have caused me so
much harm?”
The master explained with a smile “my
son, you completely forgot that there is also god in the stranger who was
warning you several times to move away”.
Namaste, Cheers and Happy New Year
2017. Stay blessed.
©Staju Jacob, 2017.
Staju Jacob is the author of the path-breaking book Karmasutra The Karma of Sex, which deals with the karmic spirituality of consensual sexual actions. This book is available globally on various Amazon sites in Paperback and Kindle, Sony Kobo, Google books, Iphone Ibook etc. He may be contacted on Twitter @KaRmasutraTKOS
ReplyDeleteThis was a refreshing read.
Thank you.
Thanks for your comments Dorwin D . Will look forward to your critical views and further comments on these and other blog posts.