Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Trump: The Harbinger of the Age of Mahabali

On this historic day when Donald Trump has been elected the President of the USA, it is time for all those who are interested or dabbled in the realm of spiritual affairs to contemplate on the shape of the world to come.  Those who are really interested in the spiritual workings of the universe also know that most things which happen in the real world are reflections of decisions taken in the spiritual realm. Before these events happen in our real world, they have already been completed in the astral realm, as I mentioned in my earlier blog,

Those who are watching the spiritual world carefully know that the coming reign of Donald Trump is only the continuation of a process which had begun in the spiritual realm (looking after earth) some years back, namely, the process of creating strong Mahabali-type leaders in different corners of our world, who will boldly take humanity to their next stage of evolution (in the pyramidal figure given in the blog, I have shown the other Mahabali rulers, in my humble opinion). For those less familiar with the myth of Mahabali, the commonly held belief is that Mahabali was a wise, just, strong and great ancient ruler of Kerala (South India) who was known to be tough and aggressive. Yet the asuric Mahabali was also a great administrator and just ruler, to the extent that people of Kerala really enjoyed a peaceful, prosperous and tension-free life during his reign. In fact the gods were so upset with Mahabali’s popularity and strength that they took the help of Lord Vishnu to get rid of Mahabali.  People in Kerala celebrate Onam as a day on which Mahabali still visits them every year.   Of course, as is normal with Indian mythology, there are several variations of this legend, but I am only sticking to the most commonly remembered one. (Another great administrator who is often considered from the asuric bandwidth is Ravana. Despite being reviled by many in India, Ravana was a great ruler, spiritually-accomplished meditator and a great expert in statecraft and administration.)

Like Donald Trump, many of the other Mahabali leaders were unconventional in terms of their language, demeanour and temperament. Like Trump, these leaders spoke boldly on subjects which others politicians tend to avoid. Like Trump, the other Mahabali leaders shown in the pyramid also consigned many ideas of political correctness to the dustbin and upset lots of people in the process. When in power they followed tough and unconventional actions. Like Trump, these other Mahabali leaders have strong patriarchal mindset and typical macho behaviour.  These strong, non-establishment leaders are often tough on dissent but generally want to do good for their compatriots. These leaders do not like dissenters and want to punish those who dare to cross them. They move swiftly and decisively and have a much centralised decision-making process, with massive concentration of power in their own hands.  Despite all these characteristics, these leaders, like Mahabali, are generally wise administrators and just rulers.

Today, with the election of Donald Trump, an important node of the pyramid marking the era of the Mahabali has been completed. The other important nodes of the pyramid as depicted below are- Xi Jingping in China, Putin in Russia, Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel and Narendra Modi in India as shown in the figure below.

What does the creation of this pyramid signify for the world to come in the near future? In my humble opinion,  it signifies the following: 

  • A period of emergence of strong Mahabali-type leaders in many other parts of the world from Philippines to Pakistan to Sri Lanka and Mexico, with strong emphasis on progress and governance.
  • Emergence of strong decisive leadership worldwide which will not shy away from taking decisive military actions. This also means a general coagulation of forces on different sides of the battlefield on earth.
  • An interim period in the world where reckless freedom of speech and fundamental rights will have less importance than the environment of security, material progress, stability and good governance. It will be a tough time for liberal journalists and others who dissent and differ from the mainstream perspective.  But the spiritual good news is that this pyramid is only there for a relatively short time, having been agreed upon at the highest spiritual levels for specific purposes as outlined below.
Eventually, the world will see the fight between these strong pyramid-force progressive, good governance leaders and the forces of fundamentalism/radicalism which want to world backwards through fundamentalism/radicalism and outdated thinking. This is one of the main purposes for which the pyramid of strong leadership is being put in place, namely for the purpose of coagulation/cooperation between similar type leaders and eventual cleansing of radical and regressive elements from the world. 

Everything has a pre-destined expiry period. When the pre-destined time gets over, this Mahabali leadership bandwidth across the world will be disbanded as quickly as it has risen. (In my humble assessment, the time period ends around 2030 AD). When the purposes for which these strong leadership nodes were created all over the world have been achieved, this leadership style will be replaced by more saatvic (divine, peaceful nature) personalities. In case of Mahabali, this was done by Vaamana avatar of Lord Vishnu. More saatvic leaders will replace these Mahabali leaders, in course of time. Meanwhile the time for coagulation, conflict and conquest - to proceed to the humanity’s next stage of evolution has come. The election of Donald Trump is the harbinger of this Mahabali era.

©Staju Jacob, 2016.

Staju Jacob is the author of the path-breaking book Karmasutra The Karma of Sex, which deals with the karmic spirituality of consensual sexual actions. This book is available globally on various Amazon sites in Paperback and Kindle, Sony Kobo, Google books, Iphone Ibook etc.  He may be contacted on Twitter @KaRmasutraTKOS 

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