Thursday, 8 September 2016

Do events happen first in the spiritual-astral realm?

I have written somewhat ‘controversial’ things in my book 'Karmasutra The Karma of Sex', which has even led to some of my friends blocking me on Whatsapp or unfriending me on Facebook.  Let me continue now and write some more ‘controversial’ thoughts on two questions which someone recently asked me, namely, ‘Do events happen in our lives directly at the physical, material plane?’ and ‘Does our blood circulation have anything to with spirituality?’ Needless to say, whatever is written below is my personal understanding, distilled from various direct and indirect sources. Please feel free to completely disagree with it or disregard it totally.  Due to paucity of time, I will answer the first question in this post, and the second question in another post which I will put up in a few days.

As per my understanding, things first happen in the spiritual non-physical world and then it is repeated in our actual physical, material world.  For example, if a person is about to meet with an accident, it first happens in the spiritual-astral realm and then it happens in the real world.  Now, when something happens in the astral world the same imprint is released into the physical world.

To help us understand this better, let me use an analogy here from the earlier era – that of the old non-digital camera and the film negative. When a photograph was clicked there was some sort of impression on the negative. However, if we did not want the picture to be developed we could expose the negative to sunlight or strong light and the picture would be erased. Hence, although the event was recorded and impression was made on the negative, the picture would never develop because the impression was erased by exposure to light.

Similar is the connection between events happening at an astral (or spiritual non-material level) and the material level. Hence, if a person is about to meet with an accident, the event impression first happens at the astral level.  Then this event manifests itself at the material, actual earth level.  Between the astral/spiritual impression happening and the real event happening, there is a time lag, during which the actual negative happening can be prevented, if it is not strictly mandated by a person’s strong karmic fate or mission on earth

In order to do so, we must be aware of what has already happened at the spiritual-astral level. One way is through approaching some genuine astrologers on a day to day basis or psychics who are able to pick this information for us from the astral/spiritual realm. Some of us are lucky enough to see some of these forthcoming events, about to replicate at the material level, in the form of a dream with some imagery.  Most of us are not.

At this stage, it is pertinent to note that I am not talking about some far off future events’ predictions, but merely the information about events which have already happened at the astral level.  There is a subtle distinction between predicting the future and receiving information about events which have already happened at the astral level. Although for the uninitiated, both these seem to be ‘future predictions’; for those who know about these things, both are different. Let me use an analogy. If I am waiting for a friend who lives about 20 miles away to come to my house for lunch, I can ask him a month before and he can give me a tentative answer stating that he plans to visit me after a month. This is somewhat like a prediction of the future using astrology or some other method, where the events are tentatively scheduled. Yet, several circumstances can happen during this one month that can cause this schedule to change.  On the other hand, if my friend calls me on the mobile phone on the day he is supposed to visit me and tells me that he is in his car and has already covered half-way of the journey, then there is much greater confirmation that my friend’s arrival is impending and is about to happen.  I now know that this friend of mine is going to reach my house soon, unless something very drastic happens. This is like an event which has already happened at the spiritual-astral level. Once an event has already happened at the astral level, it is just impending and a matter of time before it replicates at the material plane.

Coming back to our ability to feel what has already happened in the astral plane, it is possible for every one of us to develop this ability in a gradual way. What usually happens is that the subtle impressions of the event which has already happened in the spiritual-astral world are received in the cosmic receptivity area of the brain (which I have referred to as CSB in my book ‘Karmasutra The Karma of Sex’), but since our human mind is too full of ‘noise’ to perceive these subtle signals at a conscious level, we are never aware of the event which has happened at a particular spiritual level. We only know the event (for example, the accident) when it happens to us at the physical level .  

How do we tune our minds to receive those very subtle vibrations of future events?  The simplest way is through meditation. For those who are not trained in meditation, prayer is another way. The key idea is to improve the great sensitivity and sharpness of our mind by silencing it from within, such that even the subtle vibrations sent at spiritual levels reach us. In my next post I will elaborate upon this idea of 'silencing the mind' from a perspective of blood flow to the brain. 

©Staju Jacob, 2016.

Staju Jacob is the author of the path-breaking book Karmasutra The Karma of Sex, which deals with the karmic spirituality of consensual sexual actions. This book is available globally on various Amazon sites in Paperback and Kindle, Sony Kobo, Google books, Iphone Ibook etc.  He may be contacted on Twitter @KaRmasutraTKOS 

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