Sunday, 31 December 2017

The relevance of 7. The rainbow of different religions.

Sometimes we come across websites which rant against a particular religion or faith. We also tend to be drawn to some religions and not others. Of course, in many parts of the world religion is something thrust upon us at the time of birth by our parents who initiate us into the rituals of a particular religion right from birth. Some of us continue the path of our ancestors and stick to it. Others dare to give up these forced religious choices and adopt their own. Still others become atheists, ‘rejecting’ all religions.  Whatever our choice, this blog might be useful in our understanding using the VIBGYOR rainbow model.

Seven is an interesting number which helps us enhance our spiritual understanding. The week has 7 days. According to Yoga, there are 7 chakras in human body. In Hinduism, there are 7 ancient rishis (holy seers) popularly called ‘saptarishis’. In many religions, they think there are 7 astral worlds (lokas).  Hindu couples take 7 rounds around the fire to sanctify and complete their marriage ritual.  Recent books also state that there are 7 senses in the human body - besides sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, there is also vestibular sense (balance and movement) and proprioception  (perception of body organs in relation to each other).

Let me start with the most important one, which helps us understand religions – the rainbow or VIBGYOR, which is nothing but white light. When white light passes through any prism it gets separated into its seven constituent colours which are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.  If we talk scientifically each band of light is a different wavelength.

This is the most interesting understanding of religions too. Different religions and different energy bands vibrate at different wavelengths. I am summarising here,  in the form of a picture the different colours of the rainbow and different religious energy bands  all coming from white light (the one cosmic divine source). 

Some interesting notes on the various colour and religion bands.
  •         Is it a coincidence that Krishna is often depicted as a god in Indigo colour?
  •       When Shiva drank the poison from the churning of oceans, it turned his throat blue. This allegory is not a coincidence.
  •          Green is the colour of fertility and also that of Islam. Is it a coincidence that growth of population (fertility) among Muslim communities are among the highest?
  •         Is it a coincidence that, red is the colour of bindi (centre dot) worn by Hindu women? Married women also wear vermillion (sindoor) in India. Is it a coincidence that it is bright red (feminine spiritual energy colour)?         
  •    Most of pictures of Christ and Christian saints often have a yellow halo around their heads. Is this a coincidence? Yellow is the colour of Christ energy. In Judaism too, Moses saw god in the form of a fire which did not burn up the bush. Gold and Yellow.

{Besides the above light bands, which are constituents of the white (divine) light these, of course, there are darker forces which could be used for getting energy. But these darker forces operate outside the realm of white light (divine sources). Satanism, worship of certain rakshasas etc. would come under this.  (More about this can be read in the blog ‘The nature of evil’}

Some of those who are spiritually accomplished like to access this white light directly. Others seek to immerse themselves in particular colours for their spiritual advancement. Some like to be Buddhists, others find spiritual progress through Christ while still others progress through Islamic energies etc.  (To each their own way, based on their personality, emotional make-up, karma, physical make-up and tendencies).

These same religious energies can be also looked at from a chakra perspective. According to many books on yoga etc. there are seven main chakras. Their link to religious energies can be summarised thus,  as seen in this picture. 

Different weekdays can also be assigned based on different religious energies.  The list is as follows. Buddhism and Buddhist energies do not strongly identify with one particular day, but many Buddhists visit their temples on Sundays.

Most people are attracted or inclined to some religious path due to their personality, emotions, nature etc. Some are drawn to it due to their karma or the need of the overself  to learn more about a particular path. Different energy bands help us differently because the charism of that energy band is different. If we seek the help from that energy band and meditate, we will receive help. Some tips are as follows:
  •        If we are in a mental dilemma in a situation, feeling confused, not knowing what to do and need more rational discrimination to see clearly, then Krishna energy is very useful. 
  •       If we are seeking healing from hatred and struggle to forgive some friend or relative who has hurt us, then Christ energy is very useful for healing.  We do not have to get baptised or ‘convert’ to Christianity to access that energy.
  •        Similarly, if we are looking for fertility and rejuvenation, the energy of Islam is very useful. 
  •       If we are looking to get spiritual advancement with no selfish motives, the Buddha energy helps us. 
  •      When we seek to immerse ourselves in our family, share love, friendship and affection with friends/relatives and touch their hearts with empathy – the feminine energy band is the one we should seek.  Feminine energy is also drawn in a situation of righteous anger, when we are fighting those who are far more powerful than us.
  •       Massive energy to destroy the old and re-build can be drawn from the Shiva energy band. Shiva energy band also helps us to bear and neutralise the toxic aspects of our situation without getting demoralised or hurt.

If we follow one energy band and if someone is telling us to hate another energy band, that is not coming from the divine, because white light is the same for all.  Hence this understanding of religious charisms and energies should free us from hate of other religious paths, if we suffer from it.

Those who know a bit of physics also know that when white light breaks into constituent lights, each light is a range of frequencies. Therefore it is a continuous spectrum of light. For example, between 600 to 640 nm (nanometer) wavelength would be saffron/orange light.  But within this broad spectrum of 600 to 640 nm, each unit will have its own subtle unique energy personality. For example the 610 nm. wavelength will be the energy of a particular deity. Within the broad spectrum wavelength brackets of Hinduism energy (orange), there would be so many different Hindu saints and rishis which operate within that wavelength bracket. Similarly, there would be so many Christian saints and mystics which operate within the brackets of yellow wavelength of between 570 to 600 nm., but with their individual energies. Several Sufi saints and mystics etc. will vibrate within the green (Islamic) energy wavelength bracket.

Again, for the purpose of this blog and to avoid the ‘we are better than you’ controversy, please note that all the chakras and colours are treated as equal and merely having diverse energies.

Now, for some other interesting bits. Before we condemn all those who wear stones or certain metallic rings as superstitious, let us remember that metals also have particular affinity to colours. When certain elements or their salts are used to burn as fuel in a flame test, they will emit certain colours. Each metal also has an emission spectrum. Similarly, those who have affinity to certain deities also wear certain type of stones which emit certain colours.  

I leave it for my other readers to research and put down the relations between various metals or stones and their respective spiritual energies. Similarly, I leave it for my other readers to decipher the link between various saptarishis and their relationship to certain energy bands. Similarly since planets also emit various colours, they also have significance on our inclinations, which I leave for my readers.  

Before I finish, let me remind that only when white light passes through the pyramid it transforms into seven colours. In other words, the other side of our coloured light is white light. Hence, it is not a coincidence that the real pyramid is a unique structure for spiritual transformation well-known to those in the occult.  Again, it will be the pyramidal framework in our mind and perceptions which will help us get from our narrow religious inclinations to pure white light (divinity).

On this note, without complicating things further, wishing all my readers a wonderful happy, harmonious new year 2018.  

©Staju Jacob, 2017.

Staju Jacob is the author of path-breaking book Karmasutra The Karma of Sex, which deals with the karmic spirituality of consensual sexual actions. This book is available globally on various Amazon sites in Paperback , Kindle, Sony Kobo, Google books, Iphone Ibook etc.  He can be contacted on Twitter through @KaRmasutraTKOS